Welcome to our new website!

We've been hard at work on our new website and we're so excited to finally be able to present it to you.  Please have a look around, share it with your family and friends, and let us know how we did!  Drop us a line at

info (at) maluorganic (dot) com

to let us know what you think, ask us anything you like, or just say hello.  Sign up for our mailing list to receive updates and special offers, and get 10% off of your first purchase when you do!

Malu Organic was born of love. Love of family, love of beauty, and love of earth.

When she was born, we wanted to provide our daughter with clothes that were comfortable, simple, beautiful, and clean, both aesthetically and in the way they are created and sold. That particular combination isn't the easiest to find in a world where businesses are expanding further and further across the globe in an effort to find the absolute cheapest materials and labor.  We thought we could create what we were looking for ourselves, and that's exactly what we've done.

Malu Organic is a clothing company that uses only the finest organic fabric and natural, solvent-free, low-impact inks and dyes. We live in Malibu, CA, where we design the clothes, which are made in a shop in downtown Los Angeles, 25 miles from our home. We do all the printing ourselves. We believe it's possible to make money while doing good, and that idea is what drives our business. We do good by providing you with clothes made from the highest quality organic fabric and eco friendly dyes, by sourcing these products from as close to home as possible, by producing everything locally, and by donating 1% of our sales to charity. It is so rewarding to be creative together and together create a business. It's for our family and for yours, from ours to yours, with love and care.

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